Another fascinating (and sold out) Members Event! With over 30 Members attending, many new members it was great to hear from the horses mouth the latest on Brightwells as well as learn how REEL are adding to the community.
Many thanks to David Monk of Reel Cinema for sharing their story and giving us a tour of one of the most advanced boutique cinemas in the UK, including a chance to experience the luxurious Lounge screen and see from the gallery the impressive projection equipment, some of the most advanced in the UK.
It was also great to be joined by
Andrea Weeks of Crest Nicholson, Waverley Borough Councillor Tony Fairclough and Surrey County Councillor Andy MacLeod, who answered all of our questions on the Brightwells Yard development.
The Brightwells area is really coming together and is yet another example of why it’s a very exciting time to be a business leader in Farnham. If you are not yet a Chamber Member find out more
here or talk to us about the benefits of being a Chamber Member.